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Amethyst Wand / Calm

Amethyst Wand / Calm


A crystal Amethyst wand holds its own unique meaning and symbolism.


Utilizing crystal wands can serve as a convenient on-the-go energy shield and revitalizer, allowing you to continuously emit the energy you require and rejuvenate yourself throughout the day. Keep in mind that we encounter various energies throughout our daily interactions. Therefore, having this special crystal as your go-to tool for safeguarding your energy is invaluable. Employ it as a dependable aura and energy revitalizer.


Spiritual Awakening: Amethyst is known as a stone of spiritual awakening and higher consciousness. It can assist in opening up the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. A wand made of Amethyst can be used in meditation or energy work to deepen spiritual connection, receive guidance, and access higher realms of consciousness.


Calming and Tranquility: Amethyst has a soothing and calming energy that helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. It can bring a sense of peace and tranquility to the mind, body, and spirit. A wand made of Amethyst can be used to gently sweep over the body or placed on specific areas to promote relaxation and release tension.


Protection and Clearing Negative Energies: Amethyst is believed to have protective properties, shielding against negative energies and psychic attacks. It can also assist in clearing and transmuting negative energies into positive vibrations. A wand made of Amethyst can be used to create energetic boundaries, cleanse and purify the aura, and protect against unwanted influences.


Healing and Balance: Amethyst is associated with physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It can help to alleviate pain, enhance immune function, and promote overall well-being. A wand made of Amethyst can be used in healing rituals or crystal layouts to assist in balancing and harmonizing the energy centers of the body.


Spiritual Growth and Insight: Amethyst is believed to support spiritual growth, wisdom, and insight. It can aid in personal transformation, helping to release old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you. A wand made of Amethyst can be used in personal growth practices, intention setting, or affirmation work to support spiritual development and self-discovery.


How to Use: Begin by tracing it along your body, starting from your head and moving downwards, while focusing on what you require in that moment. Perhaps more positive energy, inner peace, or bringing in more healing and balance to your life? Trust your intuition.

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