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Howlite Owl / Peace

Howlite Owl / Peace


Howlite Crystal: Howlite is a calming and soothing stone that is often used to relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It has a calming energy that helps to quiet the mind and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation. Howlite is also believed to enhance communication, both within oneself and with others, and is associated with deepening spiritual connections.


Owl Symbolism: Owls are often associated with wisdom, intuition, and a deep connection to the spiritual realm. They are known for their keen senses and ability to see through illusions. Owls are seen as guides and messengers, representing the ability to navigate through darkness and uncover hidden truths. They are also symbols of transformation, change, and the power to see beyond what is visible.


When combined, the owl shape of the Howlite crystal adds an additional layer of symbolism to its meaning. The owl shape represents wisdom, intuition, and a connection to the spiritual realm. It serves as a reminder to trust your intuition, seek wisdom, and navigate through life's challenges with grace and insight.


If you resonate with an owl-shaped Howlite crystal, it can be a potent tool for calming the mind, enhancing communication, and deepening your spiritual journey. Meditating with or keeping this crystal in your space can help you tap into your intuition, gain clarity, and access hidden knowledge. The white color of Howlite can also symbolize purity, spirituality, and the power of transformation. Additionally, the owl shape can remind you to embrace your wisdom, trust your instincts, and navigate through life's transitions with grace and clarity.


Product details:

This Owl is roughly " tall

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