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Labradorite Owl / Creativity

Labradorite Owl / Creativity


Labradorite Crystal: Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone that is known for its iridescent play of colors. It is often associated with transformation, intuition, and spiritual growth. Labradorite is believed to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual connection. It is also known for its ability to protect the aura and shield against negative energies.


Owl Symbolism: Owls are often seen as symbols of wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond what is visible. They are associated with the night, the moon, and the mysteries of the unseen world. Owls are seen as guides and messengers, representing a connection to the spiritual realm and the ability to navigate through darkness with clarity and insight.


When combined, the owl shape of the Labradorite crystal adds an additional layer of symbolism to its meaning. The owl shape represents wisdom, intuition, and a connection to the unseen realms. It serves as a reminder to trust your inner guidance, embrace your intuitive gifts, and navigate through life's challenges with clarity and perception.


If you resonate with an owl-shaped Labradorite crystal, it can be a powerful tool for enhancing intuition, spiritual growth, and protection. Meditating with or keeping this crystal in your space can help you access higher realms of consciousness, enhance your psychic abilities, and strengthen your energetic boundaries. The iridescent play of colors in Labradorite can also symbolize the magic, mystery, and transformation that can occur when exploring the depths of your inner wisdom. Additionally, the owl shape can remind you to embrace your own wisdom, trust your instincts, and navigate through the unseen aspects of life with grace and insight.


Product details:

This Owl is roughly " tall

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