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Scorpio Zodiac Kit

Scorpio Zodiac Kit


Scorpio the scorpion, water sign. October 23- November 21


Either your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio and you want to connect on a deeper level with your assigned crystals, or you want to channel your inner Scorpio by working with enery of water.


** Each palm stone will be intuitivly selected for you**


Celestite (Blue): If you feel overwhelmned by your emotions, this crystal has calming and steady energy. Celestite radiates inner peace, honest communication, purity, and harmony.  


Amethyst (Purple): Balance, wisdom, clarity, intuition, and stress relief.


Smokey Quartz (brown): For grounding, releasing, and manifesting. Helps to absorb and transmute negative energy, and helps aid in emotionoal calmness, while also helping one to manifest their dreams. When times feel overwhelming or a bit chaotic turn to smokey quartz to ground your energy and release your stress/fears. 


Lapis Lazuli (blue): Focus, wise thinking, embody inner truth, and helps to promote  self-awareness. 


Scorpio Mantra: I let go of fear and move forward with positivity. 

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